Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Final Paper....finally

Finn, around again! by Samantha Clanton

“In my beginning is my end. In succession
Houses rise and fall, crumble, are extended,
Are removed, destroyed, restored or in their place
Is an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass”
– Eliot, Four Quartets, East Coker

Eliot’s Four Quartets is a personal and cyclical look at life and time, a common theme that pervades and guides the whole spectrum of literature, not just the canon. Where there is life there is death, and the inverse holds as true. The end and the beginning are indeterminate and seamlessly dovetailed. From the ashes grows a mighty tree and someday, due to natural or artificial causes, the tree will return to ashes, dust to dust, the phoenix will fly again. We are caught in the cycle of creation and destruction that defines time and age and rules the cosmos.

The cyclical model is exemplified in its full efficacy in both highbrow and lowbrow literature wherein neither is mutually exclusive. Themes, motifs, characters, and their actions that are caught in the cycle of literature are in a constant state of change or metamorphosis where they develop; but because the core themes, metaphorically speaking, retain their essential base materials throughout the process, nothing new or original is ever created. The exploration of how the essential, central, base material: the “rubbish of life” and “the unity of matter,” in literature reveal the deep connection and relationship with the lowbrow and the highbrow. Barbara DiBernard explores the symbiotic purposes James Joyce uses of base material and alchemy in her aptly named book, Alchemy and Finnegans Wake, explaining that, “The artist/alchemist, however, can unite the physical and the spiritual by operating on both levels simultaneously, turning the rubbish of life into art or the Philosopher’s Stone, yet not ignoring or negating its earthly origins” (137). This is both Joyce’s modus operandi and his primary aesthetic aim in both Ulysses and Finnegans Wake.

The intricacies of Joyce’s book of the dark, Finnegans Wake are loosely based on nearly everything, even the “the rubbish of life,” like the internet in book format. Finnegans Wake was notably influenced by an Irish drinking song “The Ballad of Tim Finnegan.” In a sense, what the Odyssey is to Ulysses, “The Ballad of Tim Finnegan” is to Finnegans Wake. The popular material in the Irish Ballad is transformed into a highbrow, inscrutable text, Finnegans Wake, which is perhaps better understood through its original medium of song, but the extricable remains totally indefinable. If the world is a never-ending cross reference, as mentioned in The Following Story by Cees Nooteboom, links into links in digression and distraction, then it makes sense that we need the lowbrow and the highbrow, and, in order to be good readers we must read both.

I spent time learning and singing “The Ballad of Tim Finnegan” with my guitar. The experience of the lowbrow gives one a greater appreciation for the highbrow because there is an intimacy with the material that was Joyce’s inspiration. It is, in essence, the lowbrow version of the vast human condition of life and death. Perhaps he was using nursery rhymes and popular songs of the time as a template, “humbly dumbly” (Joyce 628). Joyce’s work in Finnegans Wake has a beat and a rhythm when it is read out loud. “riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howeth castle and Environs” (Joyce 1). As Walter Pater said in The Renaissance, “All arts aspire to the condition of music.” Here is the last verse of the “Ballad of Tim Finnegan”, (with an Irish accent):

Mickey Maloney ducked his head when a bucket of whiskey flew at him
It missed, and falling on the bed, the liquor scattered over Tim
Bedad he revives, see how he rises, Timothy rising from the bed
Saying "Whittle your whiskey around like blazes, t'underin' Jaysus, do ye think I'm dead?"– (“Traditional Irish Music”)

In the Ballad, whiskey, the elixir of life, the Philosopher’s Stone, is present at death, and Tim Finnegan’s wake turns from a funeral into a “funferal.” Tim wakes at his wake because whiskey spills on him. How could Joyce resist that? How can a reader resist that? Joyce couldn’t, but nearly everyone else has. The Philosopher’s Stone is the alchemical key to everlasting life, a good metaphor for the whiskey’s properties in the ballad. This is evidenced by my octogenarian neighbors Hank and his wife Marilyn, who graduated from Montana State College in ‘46 and ‘47; they drink whiskey daily, like a vitamin. When the lowbrow popular qualities of “The Ballad of Tim Finnegan” and the pedantry of Finnegans Wake are known in conjunction with one another, they ultimately enrich and expand upon each other:

Whack fol the dah will ya dance to yer parner around the flure yer trotters
shake Wasn't it the truth I told you? Lots of fun at Finnegan's Wake –
(“Traditional Irish Music”)

“Lots of fun at Finnegan’s Wake,” is transformed by Joyce into, "Lovesoftfun at Finnegan's Wake” and "fun I had in that fanagan's week." (Joyce 607, 351). Both versions of Tim Finnegan’s Wake create interplay between the lowbrow and the highbrow. The cycle of common themes and stories in literature from lowbrow to highbrow, and back to lowbrow again make it so that each illuminates the other. Finnegans Wake is so rich with allusions and wordplay that this argument could be made for almost any lowbrow material in relation to Finnegans Wake, life and death, light and dark.

The first sentence of Finnegans Wake takes the reader back to the beginning, the end of the book ends mid sentence that continues on as the first sentence of the book. The very structure of Finnegans Wake is cyclical, the beginning is the end, “...alchemy embodied the reconciliation of opposites; in it such dichotomies as death-rebirth, body-soul, base metal-gold were resolved” (DiBernard 3). “In my beginning is my end” (Eliot 23). People need the highbrow and the lowbrow to explore the themes that saturate our world, because we all experience the human condition.

What is the one thing guaranteed to happen in life? Death and Darkness. As mortals it is inevitable that we will die: taking off is optional, but landing isn’t, however whiskey (in the case of Tim Finnegan), alchemy, and literature are all ways to achieve immortality. As we cycle from demotic language, to the language of men, to that of heroes, and finally of gods, we bottom out again in demotic language, and find that attempts at everlasting life remain only successful in literature, both high and low.

The Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot which revolves around the cycle of time and, again, life and death, creation and destruction, but from destruction there is creation. In Disney’s movie “The Lion King” Mufasa explains to Simba that it is okay to eat gazelles, for when lions die they become grass and gazelles eat the grass, thus the cyclical nature is complete, yet never-ending. Like Badger says in The Wind in the Willows, “People come-they stay for a while, they flourish, they build-and they go. It is their way” (Grahame 70). And back up to the highbrow in The Four Quartets, East Coker:

“Old fires to ashes, and ashes to the earth
Which is already flesh, fur, and
Bone of man and beast, cornstalk and leaf.” – Eliot, Four Quartets,
East Coker

Our lives as humans are also cyclical; when we are born we are in a constant state of peril in terms of survival, then not long after we are in a constant state of decay. Our beginning is immediately our potential end, and depending on what comes after we die, our death can also be a beginning. Death can also resemble our beginning if we get that far, because old men look like babies, bald, mewling and puking again.

A lowbrow poetry rival to the cycle of themes such as life and death in Eliot’s Four Quartets is Wallace McRae from Forsyth, Montana, and his poem “Reincarnation,” (Kittredge, and Smith 1100):

"What does Reincarnation mean?"
A cowpoke asked his friend.
His pal
replied, "It happens when
Yer life has reached its end.
They comb yer
hair, and warsh yer neck,
And clean yer fingernails,
And lay you in a
padded box
Away from life's travails."

"The box and you goes in a
That's been dug into the ground.
Reincarnation starts in when
Yore planted 'neath a mound.
Them clods melt down, just like yer box,
And you who is inside.
And then yore just beginnin' on
transformation ride."

"In a while, the grass'll grow
Upon yer
rendered mound.
Till some day on yer moldered grave
A lonely flower is
And say a hoss should wander by
And graze upon this flower
That once wuz you, but now's become
Yer vegetative bower."

posy that the hoss done ate
Up, with his other feed,
Makes bone, and
fat, and muscle
Essential to the steed,
But some is left that he can't
And so it passes through,
And finally lays upon the ground
thing, that once wuz you."

"Then say, by chance, I wanders by
sees this upon the ground,
And I ponders, and I wonders at,
This object
that I found.
I thinks of reincarnation,
Of life and death, and such,
And come away concludin': 'Slim,
You ain't changed, all that much.'"

There are perhaps boring people who only read lowbrow material and other pretentious people who only read highbrow literature. These people who are exclusive in their reading habits miss out on the interplay and interconnectedness of literature and life, both highbrow and lowbrow. The cycle of themes and stories go through a transformation of merit, depending on the intelligence and creativity of the reader. It is the same theme or the same story, yet through some potentially alchemical process the quality is changed, for higher or for lower.

Works Cited

DiBernard, Barbara. Alchemy and Finnegans Wake. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1980. 3,137. Print.

Eliot, T.S. Four Quartets. San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1971. 23. Print.

"Finnegans Wake Traditional." Traditional Irish Music. Rod Smith, 27 APR 2010. Web. 27 Apr 2010. .

Grahame, Kenneth. The Wind in the WIllows. New York: Dell Publishing, 1969. 70. Print.

Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. New York: The Viking Press, 1969. 351,607. Print.

Kittredge, William, and Annick Smith. "Reincarnation." The Last Best Place: A Montana Anthology. Seattle: Falcon Press, 1992. Print.

Last post (kind of)

End here. Us then. Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee! - FW

Here we are the end of the semester, wrapping things up.

I'm writing this from a coffee shop because there is no power at my house because of the weather last night. I picked clothes out of my closet holding a candle. I also couldn't post my paper this morning beause it is on my home computer....soo this is my last blog post, but I will be posting my paper about 1 or 2pm today. I will also post notes/reflections from this wednesday class and friday.

This class was a great time. i loved the slightly controversial theme of highbrow and lowbrow.....I love the passion I read in blogs. Thank you to the class for all the participation. Every person adds something to the class and if anyone held back....then you're being selfish. haha. But seriously, thank you for everything this semester. I'm graduating, so thank you for a memorable class that will be influencing me for the rest of my life....which could end if I walk near Hamilton Hall.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

List List O List!

Liss Liss O Liss!

So I never posted a list.....and in preparing to write this list of things in my room that I see upon waking.....(HA! waking, Finnegans Wake, Tim Finnegan's Wake, Tim waking up at his own wake, So perhaps I am rising from the dead every time I wake up in the morning) I realized it is way more fun to write the list rather than to read the list.....until the mysterious mental maneuver takes place..... (my favorite list as of right now is still in Frog and Toad Together where on the list of things to do is wake up....check!)

waking up in my bedroom:
white blinds, mostly shut
windows covered in blinds
blue room (perhaps like Issy's, but no stars on the ceiling)
white outline
Orange duvet cover
sleeping Sutter (not sacking any cities)
overhead fan
brown Oly
annoyed Oly
glass of water
blue wall
white side table
brown dog bed
brown and white Copper
blue wall
outlet cover, green, pink and tan
nightlight, off, yellow glass with a button
beige dog bed, no dog

Finnegans Wake Page: 183

click to enlarge!

Monday, April 26, 2010

CLass Notes 4/23

HOMEWORK: LAST BLOG, title it, "My Last Blog" must be in by Wednesday at NOON! Should be summative.

Invidual Paper presentations

Tyler - Egyptian book of the Dead, aids to our exit.
Lissa - live by time instead of by life
Maggie - fire and the rose are one
metaphor for when two things come together.....
Rio - What I it!
Joan - alchemy, ressurection, soul originally pure, just covered in muck, soul descends into the material world, cleansing/purification of the soul from the muck of the world.
Kevin - time, and Lost
Jesse(Prospero) - reading effecting choice in music, lil wayne
Kelsey - new perspectives, dreams, endings and beginnings
Kyle - NOW
Sarah Know - a story, beautiful

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Class Notes 4/21 - Individual Presentations

April 21, WEdnesday (day before Earth Day) was the first day of individual paper presentations.
It is always so much fun to see what people have done with their papers.

Sarah B.
Sam (me)

Some highlights:

Biz mentioned that we are made of tiny moments (like down to the cell functions in our body) and hourglasses. I love that.

Sarah Burke read her entire paper and I loved it! What a cool way to trace and connect an experience. I loved the personal aspect too. Thank you Sarah for sharing that.

Brianne Barber, the petite blonde quiet girl who sits in the back corner area of the room definately knocked my socks off. She had Rio play a beat and she donned a bling gangsta hat and some sick shades and busted out in a rap. A relevent smart rap that was also funny. Seriously Bri, what a treat! One of the top fun individual presentations I've seen in my 5 years as an English major. Way to be creative and set the bar.

(Sarah and Bri's presentations, while different from eachother, both reminded me to remember to have fun and be creative with my paper. I was getting a little too serious and stressed out in my mind.)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Class Notes 4/16 - Group Presentations

Day 2 of group presentations -

Group 3, Life is fiction and language
characters anonymous
12 step program
Michael made a starring guest appearance "you are all hopeless"
Doug had a wonderful narration voice

Group 1, Eternal Return
loved the Sexson portrayal here.
loved the name Al Alchemist haha.
Ariel was running the show, the illusion on the side.
Farting and lots of farting

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Class Notes 4/14 - Group Presentations

First Day of Group Presentations

Group 4(?): The World as Myth and Dream

This group had an awesome skit. Lights flashing, green screen, then we are in another dimension. Images flashing
Jon Orsi wakes up confused. "You are here" mimes Bizz
the sexson
Jon goes on quest to settle things between the Tweedle Kings.....
only to find out after an entertaining and hilarious journey that it was a ll an act, a play, a simulation
This was a fun one to watch if you missed out! Obviously it is hard to relay this kind of experience in notes or on a blog.

Group 2: 20 Minute Lifetime

Zach as Dr. Sexson giving a lecture, Kyle a student.....falls asleep and dreams, and wakes up. There was a movie for the dream where Kyle was doing all sorts of crazy things inspired from class. The idea is that there is a lifetime in a dream, in the material from class, one of Dr. Sexson's digressions, and every moment.

CLass Notes 4/12

Last Day of class with Dr. Sexson leading it.

Alchemy - prima materia - transmute them.....putrify

If we don't challenge ourselves in life we run the risk of stagnating

*read on a level to help develop consciousness.

See Justin Newland's blog, comics....getting of wisdom may start on the comic book level.

For the rest of the class perios we discussed paper topics.

Max Arcand - Max A - Max Z

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Favorite Blogs

I've been trying to keep up with every one's blogs this semester, but it is a difficult task. I try to read the updated ones, so sometimes when a lot of people update I miss a few here and there. The blogs I've followed most closely would be Christina Nelson's blog and Rachel Kester's blog.

I find Christina to be such a refreshing writer. And because she's an art major she has such an interesting view on things. Sometimes a differing view from most people. And how can you not love that she was the very first to have her blog up and running and also the first blog entry. Picking up little things about class and expanding them is what I love so much about her blog. Check out her blog, Three Hour Tour. Sparked by Dr. Sexson saying something about having three hours to live. I always learn something when I read her blog and it is just pure enjoyment to read her writing. (Are you sure you are not an secret English major?)

Rachel Kester's blog has also been a blog that I love. So thoughtful and relevant. Finding connections to material that I would never have found. Finding material for us, like Turning by Dr. Lynda Sexson. A connection to East Coker and Easter. Anyone who knows of Waiting For Godot should check out the cartoon she posted. Just an entertaining an enjoyable blog.

Thank you to everyone and your blogging. These two just stand out to me personally, but I really enjoyed every one's. Yes, even Maggie's, because it really inspired some passion from a lot of people. Sorry again to Lisa, I feel horrible that your blog didn't make it on until late in the semester.

I'm graduating and I'm going to really miss this online community that we've developed from class. I'm also going to miss blogging. I will get on my computer after I've graduated and have no idea what to do. To be or not to be, to act or not to act.......!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Class Notes 4/9

Today was a Quiz.

Monday, April 12th, will be the conclusion of the class, then group presentations begin. Must knock our socks off.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Class Notes 4/7 - Test Time

Test Questions......(some)....for the Quiz on Friday!
1. Name the Four Quartets....don't have ot be in order
2. When I wake, I cry to dream again. - Who said it? Calaban
3. Memorize, verbatim from Little Gidding -
"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time."
4. "I only want to please you." - Prospero, also connected to Dr. Sexson's personal story about the woman on the plane.
5. Last words of The Following Story: the following story.
6. What river do they end up on in The Following Story? Amazon
7. What is the name of the hollow book where Neo hides money in the movie The Matrix? Simulacra and Simulation
8. Symbols of life and death in Four Quartets? Rose and the Yew tree
9. Arabic word in The Alchemist "it is written" - maktub
10. River related symbol that represents Anna Livia in Finnegans Wake, the delta (looks like a traingle...)
11. Little Gidding, what is the cost of simplicity? not less than everything.
12. Where does boy in The Alchemist find his treasure? ruined/abandoned church, under the tree.
13. gnosis = knowledge
14. What does Prospero say, what is his line to Miranda?
"What else see'st thou in the dark backward and abysm of time?"
15. Essence of alchemy according to Christina? process of purification
16. What little animal is in the garden in Burnt Norton? A bird
17. What is Herman Mussert's nickname? Socrates
18. Santiago de Compstela: pilgramage route in Spain
19. What is the glitch in The Matrix? deja vu
20. mysterious mental maneuver
21. Shakespeare is to Prospero as Beckett is to Molloy......according to Maggie
23. What is the Emerald tablet, Elixir of Life, Philosopher's Stone? aims/ends of Alchemy written on Emerald tablet.
24. Who else is on the boat with Mussert? 6 people, pilot, priest, child, teacher, journalist, acedemic (sounds like the beginning of an interesting joke)
25. What language was The Alchemist originally written in? Portugese.
26. Anima Mundi - soul of spirit of the world
27. 2 colors symbolize alchemy (of the rose) red and white (Jennie Lynn and I nearly freaked out with a link to Ulysses!!!)
28. reapeated word in The Tempest - 3 letter word - Now
29. Game Ferdinand and Miranda are playing in The Tempest? chess
30. Mussert's profession - teacher
31. Miranda's nine attendents according to Dr. Sexson = 9 muses
32. Latin word -- time dies
33. Exception to our class, Bible and Shakespeare, enormously popular and enormously unread.
34. How long is The Following Story? 2 seconds
35. Four Quartets, children, leaves full of children, apple tree, child as archetypal figure.....represent world of innocence.
36. The world is a meverending cross reference - Mussert (no story is ever static, another turning of the page)
37. release me from these bands with the help of your good hands.............asking for an applause to end the play
38. Hot babe in desert that Santiago falls for? Fatima

There are the questions that I wrote down from class. There will probably be an essay question on the test, but that was not revealed.

Sorry Lisa Little Legs

I think Lisa's blog fell through the cracks somewhere, because she alerted me to the fact that she was not on the class blog list on my blog. So I have added her blog to the blog list and she has been up on her blogging all year, so here is a new blogger to check out.

Lisa Little Legs Blog

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Memorized Finnegans Wake

Today April 6!! Tuesday.
Recitation/Filming of our memorized Finnegans Wake lines at The Baxter (on Main St. above Ted's Grill and The Bacchus). 6pm-9pm. Wear black if possible, socks, and creative/tasteful mask or make-up is optional.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Class Notes 3/31

-What I know now, what I didn't know before.....and what difference does it make?
- Dr. Sexson would like to see lots of people writing about The Following Story...
- Blog about other blogs
- homestretch in regards to group presentations and paper.....
these presentations should knock our socks off. we will end the class with a pile of socks.
for the paper, resources, books, and our blogs....

QUIZ!! April 9th, Friday
April 12th, conclusion of the class

accentuate the positive: Bing Crosby (Rio played this song in class)

but if you do accentuate the positive you miss out in kenosis, Beckett.....

cheesy...but not at all
for everything to end happily, is not cheesy, but a happy ending is transcendence of the universes...
must go through a process of purification, darkness... alchemical imagery is key...

The Alchemist, page 136-7....also The Tempest, Act V Scn. 1 Line 202
Ferdinand and on lasting pillars
alchemical wedding, purification of the soul
man and woman union, unification...cheesy, but on the highest possible level...

We talked about
"Science Fiction, Forbidden Planet, and Shakespeare's The Tempest"

"In Shakespeare's play, and in a relevant cross-section of scifitexts as well, the contemplation of the wonderful and the miraculous seems to possess a special quality of kindness, of mercifulness towards our human failings. As with Prospero when Ariel convinces him to be lenient towards Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio, it has the ability to bend our thoughts toward forgiveness rather than vengeance, and to make us willing to reexamine our personal convictions in the light of something greater than us." (page 6 of 12)

The Forbidden Planet, talk about cheesy, sci-fi version of The babe....robot = Caliban
Just for fun: Forbidden Planet 1956 Part 4 of 10

Four Quartets: a new way of looking at eternity...
page 49, Zero summer

then towards the end of class people gave a passage from The Four Quartets and their discovery