Friday, February 12, 2010

Class Notes 2/12

Our homework is to be reading Samuel Beckett.
Don't be turned off by him, it is a story about a man trying to write a story about a man treating his son despicably. We have to get past it.
Also we should blog instances when Beckett destroys (destories) the illusion of the story and intrudes on the narrative to expose that the story is made up.


'the only thing you have in life is your time,' make everything count

See Shelby's Blog, and page 14 of Beckett
an inventory of possessions
Shelby's remuneration of her fridge contents is time spent in an extremely useful way.

_..~''Story Time"~.._ (continued)
Anyone who missed Dr. Sexson's story, or any part of it, is truly missing out. I refuse to recap the story because I love it so much and the way it was told to the class. Even though I heard this story four years ago, it did not mean nearly the same thing to me as it does now, and of course I had forgotten large chunks of the story. In fact it was like hearing the story for the very first time. I can't believe this story because it seems too perfect, too fitting, and unnatural. But I must believe it.
Dr. Sexson told us he was left trying to find words about his experience, but as it seems to me it is nearly ineffable. An epiphanic experience?

It seems the class, collectively, lived a 20 minute lifetime through Dr. Sexson's story. How long was class? 50 minutes? it felt like 10 minutes. We were seduced and absorbed, and I think we learned something that maybe we can't quite put into words.

stories seduce the gullible, and we are all prone to seduction, used the word seduce because it has something to do with our bodies along with the mind. After we are seduced we forget about the 'springs,' the mechanisms of the story, but then after the seduction we are abandoned, the rug is pulled from underneath us, it is all a lie! fiction! Instead of connecting to the story, connect to the writer/storyteller.

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