Thursday, March 4, 2010

Class Notes 3/3


Dr. Sexson started listing people's blogs to read and I couldn't keep just read every one's blogs, but we are supposed to be doing that anyway....

pg. 186 Molloy: Moran hears voices in his head

Sarah Knox, read her blog, other people's language driving our life....hers is a sophisticated blog, with a good connection between Stranger Than Fiction and Beckett

The Tempest (disliked by James the Rat)
Prospero breaks character, asking for applause....

So: the story of the Tempest is not particularly compelling....Duke Prospero spent his time reading books(magic and alchemy), brother usurped (sounds like Jacob and Esau) and he exiles Prospero with 3year old daughter and counsellor and provisions
they get to an island, inhabited by a witch & spirit of earth as ugly deformed son and spirit air
Prospero makes earth and air his servants...daughter grows up to about 14 or 15 years old....Calaban likes her.... Ship goes by island....Alanzo (participated in the overthrow of Prospero)

*Shakespeare's attempt to tell the entire history of everything in one play

Prospero = Shakespeare

in common with Joyce the consistent theme of the collision of brothers.....and old theme......Bible, Jacob and Esau, Cain and Abel......

Tempest, tempo, about time

beginning of the play is a storm..........or is it?? NOT. There is not storm. It is an illusion.

Titus Andronicus, Shakespeare -- Philomenla, Ovid

So, There is not storm, but the characters act like a storm...(which would be what they were doing anyway acting on a stage, just people pretending there is a storm, making it look like there was)

Miranda is one who is filled with awe and wonder....this is the lens she sees the world through.....Bizz and me.......innocent

How do we know there is no storm? ship is in the bay....Prospero simulates storm....simulacrum, simulacra

Matrix (MOVIE) the book in the beginning where Neo(Rio) stashes his money, a hollow book, "Simulacra and Simulation" someone was thinking when they made this movie!

connection between Tempest and the Matrix
Miranda, given over to imperiousness of what stimulates senses
"If by your art...."
knows it is a simulation, isn't real....but can't help but believe it

Plato, Allegory of the Cave....shadows on wall....

Morpheus, "welcome to the desert of the real"

Wizard of OZ..." Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain..."
we know this actually means pay great attention to the man behind the curtain...expose the machinery that creates the illusions...
Wizard pretends to be a bad wizard....for Dorothy to get information about illusions....goes home, OZ a simulation

Prospero to Miranda: Collect yourself!

read Jon Orsi's blog for a look at some local demotic language

Tempest 1.2 about page 11
Miranda, ignorance is bliss
Prospero, tis time
When Prospero instructs Miranda is important information...mnemonic technician....
true knowledge of un-forgetting
Prospero....(Dr. Sexson) acts as shaman....with daughter
"the hour has now come..."
Prospero, remembering is the key to recollection...
What has Prospero unlocked??? move from personal recollection to mythological, attendents...9....muses

Matrix, glitch.....deja vu, black cat

HW: think about attendants, and what does glitch mean?

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